Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wonderful Whispery Guided Visualization

This YouTube video has the most luscious voice and imagery.  I love how she emphasizes the importance of actually being in our physical body while still reaching for ultimate peace and fulfillment for everyone.  It gives me goosebumps!  I actually like her voice even more than the visuals, but the visuals are very nice too.

Give this a whirl if you are having difficulty falling asleep or if you are feeling very stressed.  It will definitely move you into a better energetic state.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

new moon in Capricorn on Xmas eve & day

This very nice note arrived in my inbox and I wanted to share with my near & dears.  This is such a potent time for transformation and planting intentions - I have been doing this in various forms of ceremony these past ten days or so, which is marked in the Mayan calendar as an auspicious time as well.  Please read below for some inspirations for your own personal ritual making over the weekend...

xoxoxo, Love Tobey

Dear friends,
Capricorn New Moon is on the horizon-- this beautiful energy which grounds the spirit into tangible form arrives 1:06 PM Eastern time on December 24th Christmas Eve.  It is positioned beautifully right between the Winter Solstice, which serves as the beginning of the New Year from the point of view of ancient sun cycle- based calendars (exact tomorrow morning 12/22) and the New Year of January first.  Given that this is a Capricorn New Moon, it favors new seeds of intention which are linked with goals, discipline and step- by- step dedication.

A new moon teaches gradualness
and deliberation, and how one gives birth
to oneself slowly. Patience with small details
makes perfect a large work, like the universe.
What nine months of attention does for an embryo
forty early mornings alone will do
for your gradually growing wholeness
--Rumi trans. Coleman Barks

Since the Solstice is falling within the dark of the moon (right before the New Moon), the next few days are an excellent time to clear space for new beginnings.  Even as your home may have all kinds of holiday piles gathered-- take some time to do the vital clearing- out which is going to be essential for the new beginnings en route.  It is like any other kind of seed planting:  first, one clears the land, tills the soil.  Enjoy the loveliness of the dark soil, this dark moment of the year which gives birth to light.

Jupiter stations on Sunday: this is a beautiful generous presence within our lives.  If you've seen a Christmas Carol, Jupiter stationing is exactly like the arrival of the Ghost of Christmas Present. Wherever we may have been, we can come back to the here and now-- and accept the gifts of the present moment.  In the words of Fra Giovanni, "No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present little instant." So, let's uncover that together.

Mars will go retrograde late in January but within this cycle,  Jupiter and Saturn are both trining the New Moon-- which is to say the situation is basically good-- we can move forward and build our dreams.  The best time to plant seeds of intention are December 24th at 1:06 PM Eastern time through the 25th.  Just as the wise men saw a star-- look for your star in the sky, and keep it in your heart.